why we step down voltage level from 33kv to 11kv and 11kv to 415v.Instead we can step down voltage from 33kv to 415v directly using single transformer.
12 71164In a Circuit how the MCB and Fuse ratings are calculated. And shall the fuse follws the MCB or it is otherwise?
16 89662what is the effect of power factor on DG supply,i mean to say what will the effect if we add capactors on dg supply.
4 7413Why we choose 400kv,220kv,132kv,66kv,33kv transmission voltages for transmitting power. Why not other voltage levels.
21 59546what we happen if 400 kvar cpacitor banks are on in manual mode and there is no load on mains ??????????????
7 9725Post New HCL Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
How to color the git console?
What are the different reports under process control?
all possible test cases for normal number field,name field date field,check box,
Why do we use KMnO4 in the test of control of obsorbance ? and why do we take specific quantity i.e 57-63mg?
Explain the extern storage classes in c++.
Why we reconcile our debtors? what steps we taken during reconciliation.
Why is free space left in ksds dataset?
Explain about indexing and slicing operation in sequences?
Can you instantiate the math class?
Explain the difference between a semi-precious and a precious stone?
What is the use of a static variable in c?
The program will first compute the tax you owe based on your income. User is prompted to enter income. Program will compute the total amount of tax owed based on the following: Income Tax 0 - $45,000 = 0.15 x income $45,001 - $90,000 = 6750 + 0.20 x (income – 45000) $90,001 - $140,000 = 15750 + 0.26 x (income – 90000) $140,001 - $200,000 = 28750 + 0.29 x (income – 140000) Greater than $200,000 = 46150 + 0.33 x (income – 200000) Dollar amounts should be in dollars and cents (float point numbers with two decimals shown). Tax is displayed on the screen.
Why do we need to code a loop statement in both the pbo and pai events for each table in the screen?
Explain the performance tuning in jdbc?
When should you use an attribute versus an element?