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HCL Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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What is mean by powerfactor. What is the difference between leading and lagging power factor?

2 8453

what is stper motor.what is its uses

9 12034

How to calculate the Meter constant for the given Meter (by using any formula)

4 76876

resistance switching is used in case of- ? a. air blast CB b. bulk oil CB c. minimum oil CB d. all types of CB

4 12069

WhY PF low at Time of PT Missing in HT Meter

2 4720

When One Phase PT Missing (voltage drop ) this time current is zero of This phase(PT Missing Phase) and current is Not Zero of other Phase but PF is always Low That Why


I have 725KVA DG set how to Calculate the Ratio of KWH? Whatb is the Formila

7 26871

The potential difference between a phase and neutral is 230v , but the potential difference between two phases is 400v. why?

4 20768

where we use stardelta starter and dol starter

4 16177

Can 4pole (3 phase+neautral )RCCB proper functioning in only 3 phase load (no neautral, no Earth) ?


how choose conductor &caple&wire depending upon the load

2 6215

how choose conductor&depending upon load


how is choose &depending upon the load why?

1 3221

FRIENDS, I am doing DEEE (part time)final year. Give me some ideas for project

5 8694

Difference between UPS and Inverter?

7 10873

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HCL Electrical Engineering Interview Questions

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run jcl for cobol+db2 pgm?.. //jobcard //step001 exec pgm=ikjeft01 //systin dd * DSNSYSTEM(--------) RUN PROGRAM(MYPGMNAME) PLAN(-----), LIB(-------), PARMS(------) /* WHAT WILL U GIVE INSIDE THE BRACKETS... WHAT IS PLAN,PACKAGE,BIND?..PLAN N PACAKGES ARE GENERATED BY ?...


How to make a spreadsheet in excel 2007?


What is %d in printf?


What are the different components of typescript?


What are the different types of operators and their order of precedence?


List some of the products of sybase.


How define set in java?


Explain about Multi-Threaded ISAPI DLLs ?


List some of the common data providers for framework?


How will u perform degradation study in detectors other thann PDA in HPLC Methodology


Are they different hardware?


Is array an object in java?


Explain the advantages of using asp?


Explain the concept of event bubbling in ASP.NET?


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