In project module it contains 3-ok buttons with same properties who qtp identify its objects while runing ??
5 13380HI. AnyBody can explain Automation Testing Framework...Generally wht do we Intiate before going to start Automation testing process... Anybody can explain.......Thanks in advacne...
1 5650What is TD plugin? For what purpose they are used . Ineed to connect QC9.2 with QTP 9.2 . Need to run some scripts IN QTP having the QC connectivity. Pls explain in detailed step Thanks in advnece
1 6507how to test power point using QTP 8.2 ? What are different methods to retrieve value from Application during runtime ?
3 6236Post New HCL QTP Interview Questions
Can you define chasm trap?
What are message queues in linux?
In which year was the meteorology department founded?
What are data driven subscriptions?
How much training do you think you will need to become a productive employee?
Admin wants to avoid the deletion of child records in master detail relationship. Is it possible to achieve this using point and click functionality? : salesforce validation rules
Can a class be private in java?
for itm agent upgrade, what agent version should be used?
What are various node.js web development frameworks?
When to choose "External Table" in Hive?
What language are windows batch files written in?
Explain teradata utilities?
What is instrumentation technologists and mechanics?
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In which event are the controls fully loaded?