What r the daemons for DNS , Veritas, Apache,NFS Server & Client 4How can u configure two DHCP and Two DNS servers r there and u have 100's of users then 1st system takes which DHCP server and which DNS sever 5 what is the use of NIS how can u configure 6 what is the use RAID and which is the best(Solaris) 7 in RAID 5 and RAID 0+1 which u will preffer (Veritas)
3 6664Post New HCL Solaris Commands Interview Questions
Is orangeemu dll a virus?
What is a private class in java?
what are the different types of replication you can set up in sql server? : Sql server database administration
Explain ‘field name for partitioning’ in co-pa : co-pa
What are types of binding?
Explain the difference between emission and absorption line spectra. : quantum physics
IIS Core functionality?
How to setup angular 4 development environment?
How do I merge cells in excel for mac?
How do I change the default font for excel and word?
What is the difference between array and nsarray?
Explain what is optical medium?
Php error constants and their descriptions
What are the principles of object-oriented programming(oop)?
What is the purpose of a default constructor?