what is Pick map and what is the use of it? I want to configure a MVG applet on a filed in opportunity form applet. and when i select fields from MVG , it should reflect on the form applet(means there should be changes on fields in MVG according to Field select from MVG appler). Is this possible (with MVG or Picklist)?
Explain how do you print only part of a string?
Mention what is the difference between single instance environment and rac environment?
What is function prototyping?
I want to learn the data base testing, how can I start my psactice? I already reading the books of basic for data base? If any other books that make my study simple please suggest.
Explain currency filter?
What are the different sql server versions you have worked on? : sql server DBA
What are the benefits of apache kafka over the traditional technique?
What is hostlistener in angular?
who conceived and designed the informix database management system?
What is the difference between Sales Cloud and Service Cloud?
How do you create a word search on word?
How do I find all changes between two dates?
You are in the middle of a sprint and suddenly the product owner comes with a new requirement, what will you do?
Define durable writes?