what are the difficult problem are you involved in cognos report net and 8 and impromptu if any pls share with us
2716how to explain tne project at the time of interview? where to start and how to end? plz explain in detail thax in advance
1848what are the components having in the report studio using interface eg:insertable objects pan,properties pan
1 4489Post New HCL Cognos Interview Questions
What is Event-driven programming?
How is security achieved in Apache Hadoop?
How can I set the timeout for the connect() system call?
If you omit the overwrite clause while creating a hive table,what happens to file which are new and files which already exist?
How much does magento cost per month?
How to configure mail function in joomla?
How do I open outlook in safe mode?
hou can we use vb script in qtp could u tell me breafly
Why completion confirmation is important for business?
What is JDBC Statement?
Can a VB application be an OLE server?
If I do business in europe, do I need to get listed on local search engines and directories?
how will you display database tables in an activity? Will you use gridview or tableview? Justify?
How the trx is assigned to e1 channel?
Write a program to show the singleton pattern used in python.