1.What are the different ways to initialize a variable. How to differentiate global and local variables, explain it through a simple tcl program. 2.Create a list of week days and print the first and last character of each day using foreach command 3.Can you write a small program to verify the given input is file or directory.Before checking, just ensure that the file/dir exists or not in the given path. If the given input is a file, findout the size and verify that the file has all read ,write and execute permission.
3 9712How to get the next ip for given ip ex: -> ex: ->
5 14296{Anu Anudeep Anukumar Amar Amaravathi Aruna} is their any possibility to find the letter "a"in the given list? if yes how?
3 9131Post New HCL Tcl Interview Questions
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If a person is having 1 year experiencein Search & recruitment Firm,Is he/she is eligible for any good corporate?
hi Set myobj=Description.Create() myobj("type").value="submit" myobj("name").value="google search" myobj("html tag").value="button" browser("title:=google").page("title:=google").webButton (myobj).Click i was running above code in one weak back it was working fine i got result,again i opened after few days ,again i was trying to run the code it shows run time error in last line of my code ,why ?pls answer my question?
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What is a .ddf file and what does it have to do with sharepoint solution creation?
Q. 3 (a) How can you create a bulleted list, numbered list and an outline by using bullets and numbering command. Explain with the help of example.
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