Dear Sir, I have installed 40 HCL thin clients model BVX 4000 on windows 2003 server in the RDP mode, Processor is xeon 3040 1.667 GHZ, with 320 GB SATA Hard Disc and and 1 GB RAM ECC DDR II RAM , in have also expanded the RAM to 8 GB. but still the Graphics and ppt are opening in frames. please do suggest me how can i use these thin Clients to work in the normal pc mode so that the graphics( Photos .JPEG images and normal power point presentations.? Regards ather.
2338How can we enable the USB pen drive in Network if Network administrator Disable the Drive. Asume You are Computer administrator but when you enable it it show windows can't enable this dirve.
7 24738in linux what is the last ver to use of bootloader lilo,after lilo not use in linux and only use upper ver grub?
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