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HCL Core Java Interview Questions
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What is garbage collection in Java, and how can it be used ?

32 78404

Difference between an argument and a parameter?

10 45944

Can you have a constructor in abstract class?

18 51215

Howmany address lines are required to addressing 1 MB memory?

8 28560

What is interface and its use?

8 14943

What is the GregorianCalendar class?

2 5347

What is the difference between panel and frame ?

7 74421

Difference between JDK, JRE, JVM

16 92772

what is inner class?

6 16058

Is JRE required to compile Java files ?

4 15384

How to set the Heap size in Java ?

2 11652

What is the life cycle of Thread ?

12 39965

What is the use of anonymous inner classes ?

12 28049

What is the use join() in Threads ?

5 11423

Which is the best way to use for String concatenation in Java?

7 20902

Post New HCL Core Java Interview Questions

HCL Core Java Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How mrp (material requirement planning) types are classified?


What is the difference between Array and Arraylist?


When we do cardonitriding or casehardening operation for a plain carbon steel the case depth, hardness & microstructure are not alike why and define what are the basic thing, which makes such a difference.


Define sub-query.


Explain HCatWriter?


What is the difference between exception and error in java?


How many types oil using in transformer ? How many letars using in transformer..?


What is the difference between windows 10 mail and outlook?


What is difference between hashset and linkedhashset?


Explain how can you find broken links in a page using selenium webdriver?


State the methods of improving power factor?


Could you explain what is enterprise data warehouse?


What is bursting?


How you can accept or reject track changes in word 2013?


A channel has a bit rate of 4kbps and a propagation delay of 20msec. For what range of frame sizes does stop-and-wait give an efficiency of at least 50%