You have a table with close to 100 million records recently, a huge amount of this data was updated now, various queries against this table have slowed down considerably what is the quickest option to remedy the situation?
What is gui in java with examples?
what is meant by 2 within a star in a voltmeter dial?
Why Utility Distribution System in India is mainly at 11 kV? Why not Utility go for 33 kV?
What is event target in javascript?
what is index?how it can work in informatica
Tell me the difference between torque and power?
What is property and its types?
What is login shell in linux?
How do I run a script in linux?
What is abstract class in php?
when will be the iocl interview results i faced interview on 8th september 2008 iam from electrical branch i faced interview for the post of electrical engineer??????????????????????//
What are the types of database users?
What is pay scale reassignment?
What is @controller in spring boot?