Runining mutiple tomcat server in a single machine is possible Yuo wil have to duplicate configuration with different port numbers
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What are the different types of validation controls provided in ASP.NET?
What is lazy true in hibernate?
Explain data types in scala?
Do you have what it takes to work under pressure? What makes you angry?
What is an analogy for a smooth endoplasmic reticulum?
How to check if value is sent in request?
Explain the use of #pragma exit?
What does the Unwrap function do?
How do you display the list of all collections of current database?
Hey can any body tell me..What are negative assets?
Explain shape of the earth?
Explain how to load the contents of an xml file into an xmldocument object?
Enlist the various transaction phases.
What can be achieved by using the teradata rdbms?
What is a formula on excel?