PHP Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what are Implode and Explode functions?


8 28943

How can we register the variables into a Session?

HCL, Star Computers, Trikon Networks,

7 29829

What is the difference between the functions UNLINK and UNSET?

Silicon Biztech,

8 21967

What are the different types of Errors in PHP?

Cisco, TCS, Troop Software,

20 60618

What is register_globals in php?

Castling IT, HCL, Intel Soft Solutions, Millennium,

6 24398

How can we submit a form without a submit buttom?

A1 Technology, IBM,

12 21191

What types images that php supports?

1 7831

How do you format and output a number with leading zero's?

3 12036

When you will get the error "Cannot add header information"?

2 6057

How to install PHP with --mcrypt and --mhash?

1 7475

How can you access a COM object from a PHP page?

1 4910

How do you get the Browser information?

Life Infotech,

3 9983

How can you parse files that were not ending with .php by using Apache?

1 5980

what method is used to generate a random number?

4 9339

How do you develop your own PHP extension ?

2 6514

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Un-Answered Questions { PHP }

What are the characteristics of php variables?


How you can update memcached when you make changes to php?


Why php script is not running in browser?


What is meant by variable variables in php?


How does php work with apache?


Who developed php?


What are the difference between array_keys() and array_key_exists() in php?


Which character is used to match exactly one character?


What is the method to register a variable into a session?


How can you increase the maximum execution time of a script in php?


Tell me what library is used for pdf in php?


What is variable declaration?


What is the difference between implode() and explode() in php?


How do you end php?


What is the main difference between require() and include()?