Which table keeps the locking information?
Hello! I want to choose a software for verfication and validation. Can some one give me option for choosing software to test?
Why is normalisation important?
Where can I find microsoft exchange server 2007 product documentation?
what do you mean by turbine droop?
what is friend function in C++?
What are those platforms which supports silverlight?
How to associate shared object repository to test in qtp?
What is logical error?
What is the no_acknowledge acknowledge mode used for? : BEA Weblogic
Describe your involvement in the development of new technologies for pest and disease control in crops and livestock.
the magnitude of the buoyant force can be determine by newtons law of viscosity archimidies principal principles of momemnt none
What is jms in java with example?
Which server tasks are used for lotus notes web application?
Did you ever built a production process in hadoop ? If yes then what was the process when your hadoop job fails due to any reason?