hi I am attending interview In hcl for service desk itis. can anyone tell me what questions they will ask in technical and how many rounds they will conduct. expecting a reply from you all soon thanks..
2831Post New HCL Infrastructure Management Interview Questions
what is earth resistance? how to measured? and give values at power station and mcc area?
What are different evaluation categories as part of supplier evaluation process?
Does wordpress use java?
How to call a stored function with parameters?
what the reason to switch frm insurance industry to IT industry.
How many ways are there to read and write files?
How to delete exactly duplicate records from a table?
What is locking? : abap data dictionary
Could some one tell me test cases for multi line text boxes like Notes field?
What is Implicit conversion in C#?
In order to display the last five commands you have entered using the fc command, you would type?
What is a virtual property. Give an example?
What lucene is in the zend framework?
What is the purpose of aws?
Which cryptographic mechanism provides non-repudiation?