What are the core objects of ADO.NET?
What do you understand by auto wiring and name the different modes of it?
Excise Duty Applicable for Assembly Materials E.g: I.T Products (Security Systems)
Tell me why is java mostly used in embedded systems?
What is deterministic in mysql?
what is persistent lookup cahce?how to use and when to use this persistent lookup cahce?explain?
Why do we use json in php?
Tell me about your work experience? How has it prepared you for a career at Ross Stores?
Please forward important interview and basic questions in VB6 on my email id: usneha_16@yahoo.co.in
What the use of Canvas Element in HTML5?
How much ram can xp handle?
What is a pojo class in java?
Are you willing to relocate to some other place?
What is the purpose of the analyzer in petrochemical plant?
Why do we need constructor?