If any recruiter ask like this "We offer low salary compare to other big companies. You have chance to get the job in it after some period. Why you choose my compaany?"
8 12309You are a software engineer.And your first project in our company is to design a submarine engine(about which you donot know about anything).Your team members were nothing but III standard students.....Will you take up this project? If so how you will manage it?
11 13539Post New HCL Funny Interview Questions Interview Questions
What are xml schemas used for?
What is ssl (secure sockets layer)?
What does impala do for fast access?
What is ddns?
Is the Barnardos your ideal company?
What are applications of ggplot2?
What is an api?
What are the core differences between observables and promises?
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How to Force a SunOS Machine Not to Be a Router?
How is web server useful?