When will we use HTML recording and when will we use URL Recording, How we know that when will we use HTML and when will we use URL(Real timers plz)
3 8887in general best o/s should posses max CPU utilization.but in loadrunner we consider CPU utilization exceed 70% it is a bottleneck in CPU.explain why?
4 9857how memory will be used in the JVM.With think time .what is necessary of the think time in loadrunner
1 3327for suppose if you are selected for individual project, how will you manage the project like, how will you find critical scenario's in your project ?
1 2863Post New HCL Load Runner Interview Questions
Explain about procedural programming language or structured programming language and its features?
Explain how can the disposition of sysout datasets be set for an entire jobstream?
What are generic methods?
what is the diff. between x'mer , isolation x'mer & ultra-isolation x'mer ?????????????
Define wet bulb globe temperature?
Are foreign destinations handled within foreign jms messages?
What is java 2 platform, micro edition (j2me)?
Discuss-Toga & stola.
How do I display filename extensions?
What is python coverage?
Why merge sort is better than insertion sort?
How to insert new line characters into strings?
How to bootstrap your angular app for multiple modules?
What is aspx format?
Mention some important features of memcached?