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HCL COBOL Interview Questions
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why occurs clause not mentioned in 01 level

6 46134

How is sign stored in Packed Decimal fields and Zoned Decimal fields?

6 36834

i Want All cobol ERROR codes?

4 15642

what do you mean by copybook? and what is the difference between the copybook which we are using in working storage and procedure division.

3 24481

how to submit a jcl by cobol program. clear me with an example.

3 17633

how you read control card into array?

3 11961

COBOL Snippet: Tell where the control will when the below code execute IF (A=B) CONTINUE ELSE NEXT SENTENCE PERFORM END-IF.

7 12179

what is the difference b/w level no.01 & level no.77?

3 11151

created cluster using IDCAMS ..that is empty ..when i write a program for read using Input ..wil it open the cluster or gives any error?

2 7816

how many maximum no of variables can be declared in linkage section ?

2 5924

which is better either static call or dynamic call? and why?

5 10692

can we redefine 77 level item is it possible

4 10268

what are difference organizations in cobol and access mode in cobol? can you expalin what organization means while declaring for ksds,esds,rrds?

1 8783

what is the advantage of using redefines instead of delaring the variables ?

5 9425

how we rectify soc4 and soc7 error in project(need real time answer)? please reply

3 11430

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HCL COBOL Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Can you name the two microsoft solutions for distributed applications?


what is the dual table in oracle?


what are the artifacts in coding phase in SDLC????


women in politics


What is powerpoint formatting?


What are the different versions of gdg named?


Where we use sla?


How to reduce the width of textbox in editcommandcolumn of datagrid?


What is difference between temp table and cte?


You do not seem to have all the required experience. Why should we hire you?


What are triggers and its uses?


How to create a session? How to set a value in session?


In how many groups can the signals of 8085 be classified?


How is a peoplecode function called?


Do you know how to get the ip address of the client?