what is reconcillation? where can u find the option.( cube( f/ e table or ods or aggregates)?
3 8129Post New HCL SAP BW (Business Warehouse) Interview Questions
What are the popular REPL commands in Node.js?
Explain the difference between malloc() and calloc() function?
What are some popular crm software?
How many types of layouts are there in android?
What is a delimiter in sas?
Why numpy is used in python?
List some sorting functions in php?
Mention what is rack awareness?
What Are The Security Features Provided By AngularJS?
hi this is hema, r there any books in particular for the preparation of the APPSC-A.E.E(electrical), if so please mail me the names ... thank u .
to find the closest pair
How to get out of a table in word?
what is the difference between order by and sort by in Hive?
Explain the purpose of dd dummy statement?
Short Answer on _____________Intangible Assets