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HCL Marketing Sales Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what are the mandatory requirement for clear out the GD & personal interview of company

1 6593

Tell me about yourself.Please tell me how to answer this question like starting from........

3 10220

How do you manage performance concerns with employees?


how i should sell one mobile phone when interviewer will ask sell this phone to me

18 156189

why you are looking to change your job?


Dear All, Plz tell me what should be correct matter for apply a sales officer post, if i have experience, ability ?


How will you convince a prospect who has knowledge of a better product than what you have to offer?


tell me about yourself.

1 3792

I have to sell a women cosmetic like face cream.Now problem is that many cosmetics are already in market.So when there are well establish players in market how can sell this product.The cream is very good in quality but the company has not enough money to go for advertisement through media.Now how to sell this beauty cream and make market among establish players.Also tell me one good reason why female will opt for this cream when many well known brands are available?

3 8287

why you choose marketing ?

18 145103

Post New HCL Marketing Sales Interview Questions

HCL Marketing Sales Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the latest version of Ambari that is available in the market?


Are you familiar with design patterns? What design software have you used and in what situations?


What is repository in php?


What are the different construction techniques in electronics?


What would you use to view contents of a large error log file?


Explain the advantages of salesforce saas functionality? Close


What’s the difference between mkannotation and mkpointannotation?


What do you mean by initialization?


How many servers do I need to deploy the cloud connector?


What is warping?


What is fsh?


What is sorter transformation?


by what factor the starting current is used when comparing star and delta connection for motor starting?


Have you have ever worked in unix environment and why it is useful in datastage?


What is the name of the database used in android?