why in an industry; machine having rated 200 h.p stopped after power factor is maintained above 0.97 lag by control panel in view-of energy saving
1765it says in neutral wire current flows under normal condition, but when we put tester it wont glow, why?
7 8689Post New HCL Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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Is there any relation between Artificial Intelligence and Instrumentation?
How do I change autotext in word?
Can we have multiple index on a table?
Is there any circumstance where an accountant is allowed to depart from accounting standards while preparing financial statements? If yes explain why, if no explain no.
Can we enforce assignment rules via Apex code?
Q1.what will be career path as a HR in the particular company?
How will you add a font to a cell using apache poi?
What are the differences between “insert”, “update” and “modify”.
What is merge stage?
What are good programming languages for artificial intelligence?
What are different methods to copy an object in python?
Why do we need a infinite loop in embedded systems development? What are the different ways by which you can code in a infinite loop?
Derive capacitance to 4-20ma conversion formula / relation in capacitance type pressure sensor?
Connecting to iserver volume using idapi classes(java classes) and after connecting to iserver I want to execute the rox on iserver and also want know the status whether that job is succesfully run or not?