What is difference between "terms of payment" and "payment terms" Fields are available in vendor master purchasing view and accounting view respectively. System can take two differnt values for same vendor? why different values are maintained?
8 33123In release procedure in purchase requisation,i have two strategies in p.r, SRATEGY 1:P.R value is 0-10000, STRTEGY 2:P.R value is 9000-20000. if your P.R value is 9500 which srategy is taken in P.R.
7 16390at what level accounting view is maintained ? the moment u enter data in accounting view what prompt request u will get?
7 12491I am new to SAP MM/WM, can someone describe a typical day working as MM/WM functional consultant , what team have you worked on, and specifically what were you in charged off within SAP team, and what were you doing?
1 8468Post New HCL SAP MM (Material Management) Interview Questions
What is api-server?
What is the use of access database?
Why isn't it being handled properly?
Which model components are supported by Struts?
What is angular cli command?
What do the ia07 tcodes in sap- pm mean?
dear friends, i have seen flow as the selection critriea in presure guage (bourdon tube) and i would like to know what is the relation between flow and performance of pressure guage other parameters i found in the data sheet are pressure max. 1ksc temperature max. - 50 deg c line size - 80NB operating range - 1ksc pr. guage range - 0-2 ksc thank u,
How to calculate that clean water supply in one Day from 150 KLD STP?
What is the difference between val and var in Scala?
Define Data provider?
What are the main theoretical models that try to explain the formation of the enzyme-substrate complex?
How many human genes are polymorphic?
How to monitor firebird server activity?
Which work center category is used for plant maintenance work center?
What is dependency injection (di)?