Why asp.net is used?
Do I need python for mysql?
Does jquery follow w3c recommendations?
Why array is used in java?
What is called in unix?
Explain different types of validators in asp.net?
I have a list of 3215 product names on a spreadsheet. Each resides in a single cell. I need to put each name in quotes. The names are all in one column?
What is data type and its types?
Electronic circuit
what is mean by reestimation?
Difference between managed associations and hibernate associations?
a newly launched web site is hosted on web server.It is expected that 100 people visit the website every hour and browse 30 pages spending a total 15 minutes. what is the maximum hits/sec that the web server should support this load?justify your answer. need urgently. by rimesh
What is ADBC?
What are the traits involved in social reforms?
To what extent are different mobile devices supported with the new office 365?