what is the object hyrarchy in QTP for a web based application
what is effect of length of air gap on performance of dc motor and generator?
How do you target a specific frame from a hyperlink?
How do I create a list in one cell in excel?
What do you understand by unit and ()in scala?
How do you deal with a customer in a stressful situation?
Define oracle database
What is transaction testing?
Iwould like to know barc interview questions
What is the difference between mainframe and non-mainframe applications?
I am working in ms excel 5.0 in windows 95. I have a spreadsheet where the gridlines are not printing. The sheet is 87 rows by 49 columns, "a1 to aw87." Thegridlines are not printing from column "ap" to "aw." The other gridlines are printing correctly. What is the problem?
How to convert three phase to single phase in ups
Who invented the google?
What is Neural Network ?
Are arrays classes in java?