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HCL Java Related AllOther Interview Questions
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Iam working as a Project Lead in a s/w comp.The follwing question was asked in HCL interview. What about the schedule slippage? If the developer has taken more time than the specified time. How do you adjust the time? From where do you allocate that extra time for the developer?

2 11621

Explain the Sequence Diagram?

2 10002

Explain about the Physical Data Model?

1 4190

What is servlets.

10 11712

Why Java is a platform independent language?Explain byte code and JVM

8 21095

What is Serialization?

2 4656

How to implement Hash Map?

2 5862

Difference between Abstract Class & Interface?

4 6063

What is the difference between Logical Parallelism and Physical Parallelism?


what is major difference between component and object?

1 4455

Post New HCL Java Related AllOther Interview Questions

HCL Java Related AllOther Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Do you know how can php and html interact?


Which are the important points to note when multilanguage data is stored in a table?


explain the differences between vsam and non-vsam files


what is the reqirred voltage in HT motor to get full RPM on no load test?


I want to see the present working directory in UNIX from hive. Is it possible to run this command from hive?


A collection of functions,calls,subroutines or other data a) library b) header files c) set of files d) textfiles


Define ipa?


What is sqlcontext?


What is Category Manager?


Name the class we used to convert the data types?


Do unused imports affect performance javascript?


What quantity of 1.0 m3 bricks required?


How the application is launched to the production environment?


How do I add a module?


What is the difference between an internet and an intranet sharepoint site?