What is the syallabus for the post of Law Assistant in Railway Recruitment Board Bhuvaneswar? What are the main topics covered in the Law assitant exam?
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A certain couple tells you that they have two children, at least one of which is a girl. What is the probability that they have two girls?
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What are the basic functions for master, msdb, model, tempdb databases?
If we issue a new sale invoice after issuing a Credit Note to the coustomer, for the previously issued sale invoice on which Central Sales Tax @2% was Paid previously,whether we will be liable to pay for charging the sales tax on new invoice and pay to the sales tax department.
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What is the use of toad or sqldbx.?
What do you mean by the term thread size?
Can you create http server in nodejs, explain with code
Explain the otto cycle in brief.
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