how will you test a wine filled bottle along with 100 glasses
How do I customize page numbers in word?
How we will do DataBase testing through Qtp application, i know two things 1)Import date from sheet2)Database Check points. But Interviewr asked me How to Run Queries from Qtp Application?Plz Any Body Exlain about Data Base Testing.Urgent.........Advanced Thanks
Is nsobject a parent class or a derived class?
What is jta and jts?
How can we retrieve warnings?
What is an AsyncPipe in Angular?
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I want to stop people using my site by proxy server. Is it possible?
What restrictions can you apply when you are creating views?
Explain the importance of drivermanager.
what is a difference between public and private accounting?
Explain the folder structure of codeigniter.
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What is the advantage of varchar2 over char?