how can create a report like if the salary>50,000 display balance,if salary<50,000 display green?
2 80362. We have asked to create a repots showing sales by region in order to determine which regions are generating the most revenue and highest sales volume. The report needs to include the revenue and quantitiy sold of each subcategory with in category.
1915what is the difference between application based and web based in cognos?can you please give a example from out of EP 7 series and 8 series?genrel exampel please?
2 4502Post New HCL Cognos Interview Questions
What are the disadvantages of not performing database normalization?
two progress are given. one starts counting from 0 to MAX and the other ?
Where do we define time profiles? What is evaluation period?
What is the difference between hashmap and arraylist?
To enable remote logon for users who use the same user data in both sap netweaver gateway host and sap system, which connection type needs to be configured?
what is ststic with example
How you can format a string without printing?
What is the difference between form and report in ms access?
What is %type in sql?
Can you define a checkpoint?
if a min thread has finished execution what happens ? a) it exits b) it wait for other threads c) becomes inactive ... etc etc
Why should I learn mysql?
What are the types of windows operating system?
What are the risks involved in buying or selling a company or lending or borrowing money and how can they be mitigated?
How can we scale apache mahout in cloud?