what are the components in the cognos connection page consists (eg: my folder, public folder,directions, schedule management tool etc.....)
1861what does my folder and public folder contains? difference between the my folder and public folder?
3 8565what is cardinality that you can give to employee and department query subjects in framework manager?
2 6232what is prompt types of prompt example briefly each types of product (eg:values, date,search,prompt etc.)
1 17372how can create a report like if the salary>50,000 display balance,if salary<50,000 display green?
6 8174Post New HCL Cognos Interview Questions
What are indexes in ms sql server?
How to set home page url in yii?
How is UFT 11.5 version different from UFT 12.0?
How do you use data validation in excel?
What is the new layout mode in css3?
What do you mean by managed solution?
Enlist the various transaction phases.
What is the different between conventional MCC and intelligent MCC? Common controller or controller for each bucket
What is journal entry for salary paid less deductions (e.g. fines for breaking a company's property)?
What is the difference abstract class and interface?
How do I use a variable in the task?
How to limit decimal places for variable using proc means?
Suppose a null dataset with 10 variables; I want to print only name of the varibales in log window and also output window. How can we do this one?
In not less than 100 words what's the main difference between Rolap and Molap in ORACLE ?