what are the tests u did in entire project? when it did in the project? (means at the release build to end of project) plz explain clearly
1837what are the exact testing types you involved when testing the webapplication testing and clent server application testing?have u find differene interms of testig?
3 6880if tester found some bugs in the application then which format they will send it to development team.
4 8208how we maintain buid versions without using CVS or any other tools ? are tools neccesary for maintaining versions?
1 5401Post New HCL Manual Testing Interview Questions
How do I calculate a sum in excel?
How to perform the renewal manually?
What is polymorphism in term of oop (flash actionscript)? : adobe flex action script
What is the meaning of parent-child selector?
How are the notifications generated when a server is added to a cluster?
Do you know what does mvc stand for and what does each component do?
what is the process of excise duty?
How can you generate reports in informatica?
Please explain package.json file in angular?
What are the symptoms?
How do I compare two excel spreadsheets?
write test case for gmail sign up page?
What is a nullreferenceexception and how do I fix it?
What is toll-free bridging?
How to create properties and methods using controls?