How to write testcases for a general objects like 1.pen 2.paper 3.printer 4.Mobile 5.Bulb machine 7.calculator 8.Mobile 9.telephone...etc
2 43788what is localization testing?is it a WBT or BBT technique? thanx mahendar for ur valuable answer.
7 12643The following questions were asked me at the HCL...Please try to answer these::: 1Q: For 3rd party fund stransfer through online bankinghow much time it take..? What are the processes behind that..?
4 7569What are the validation check u generaly do in a Banking log-in form in security point of view..?
3 6401How do u test any "web-site" as a secure site...? or How do you test the security of a web-site...?
7 10426Post New HCL Manual Testing Interview Questions
Differentiate between gram positive and gram negative bacteria.
What is meant by Random Forest Classifier?
What is countif in excel?
Name the assay method for compliment component C3 on glomerular basement membrane.
What are the three things your friends will tell about you?
How do I add activex to chrome?
Do you have any idea about the labor laws in the country?
What is difference between treeset hashset linkedhashset?
Mention some of the important plugins in jenkins?
What is %lu in c?
Are c# constructors the same as c++ constructors?
If a method's return type is void, can you use a return keyword in the method?
What is 'collision coverage' and 'comprehensive coverage' in auto insurance? : insurance sales
What are the main significances of root locus?
Tell us how many languages are supported by .net?