How to perform the end to end testing or system testing for the Railway ticket booking application?
1 5567If there is non reproducible bug which developer is not ready to agree, how you will convince him.
3 8226You have raised a priority 1 bug that needs to be fixed for release tonight, the developer concerned is refusing to fix this, what do you do and why?
2 7684hi.... plz tell me what all kinds of documents/reports are required for manual testing of a simple website(simple static pages). in a organization.
2 7032Post New HCL Manual Testing Interview Questions
Do you think Management plays any role when it comes to selecting the right RPA tool?
Explain the various ide's of ruby on rails.
What is table-valued sub query?
Is windows 10 home 64bit?
Describe synchronization point.
Is there a switch or case statements in python?if not what is the reason for the same?
how the magnetic trains are leviated(MAGLEV)?
What is the purposes of forword work item attribute ( forword_wi ) ?
how many safety really of DG sets.
Which java class handles the output record encoding into files which result from Hive queries?
Define an applet in java?
Which functionalities of QTP used in banking project? pls any say answer?
How related substance method is developed for new compound which is not official in the pharmacopeia?
Who are the people who can access a “drag and drop dashboard”?
How do I find the sql server database version?