Which is not formally included in Test Plan? 1)Features to be tested 2)Incident reports 3)Risks 4) Schedule Pls reply .Thanks
9 11016What type of metrics we prepare in testing?What is the use of those? can any body plz let me know. udya uday_testing@yahoo.co.in
10 22587Can anybody give whole test cases for banking module.it should include from start to end .that will help me more.to do study.it should contain account,deposite,withdraw,fd,atm modules.?please try to give me??
1982Post New HCL Manual Testing Interview Questions
What is the difference between sap bw 3.0b and sap bw 3.1c, 3.5?
What is service discovery web service protocol stack layer?
How do I find out the id of the row I just inserted?
How do you declare a variable in c#?
How we will do Memory Testing? There is any tool to do that testing and to whome this testing to be performed?
Define anonymous classes in php7?
What is awk script?
Describe the functions of the Operator Interface including the considerations related to alarming and display layout/configuration/layers.
Use of version command in hadoop sqoop?
What is the advantage of using custom settings?
What is dbcc? Give few examples.
What is the difference between a fill factor of 100 and 0?
Does the cloud connector work with the sap cloud platform cloud foundry environment?
What are the common features of Redshift?
Is avenir a pc font?