There is a defect leekage to production environment after release. How to convince the client and what has to be done to retain the client
5 106841] Test Management Tool ? 2] What is tracebility Matrix? 3] What is RTM ? 4] What Is Functional testing 5] What is Regration Testing and Sanity Testing 6] Diff in Sanity and Functional Tetsing 7] Integration Tetsing 8] Diff in Primary Key and Unique Key -Should pass primary Key as null 9] What is composit Key 10] Defect Management tool in detail 11] What is Seviarity and Priority 12] Composite Key
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What is future scope to BAMS(Ayurveda)
What is spark application?
Explain which columns go to the fact table and which columns go the dimension table?
how 2 write a program of this pattern usin for loop?? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Is mysql server free?
What is the output of print str + “test” if str = ‘hello world!’?
What is econo-jit?
What is scalability and elasticity?
Different ways of setting up an hrms system to make it position driven?
What is application client?
Explain why there is need of production version?
What is a double byte font?
Explain Spark leftOuterJoin() and rightOuterJoin() operation?
How to invoke Command Line Interface?
In keyfigure what is meant by cumulative value, non cumulative value change and non cumulative value in and out flow.