How to write testcases for a general objects like
5.Bulb machine

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How to write testcases for a general objects like 1.pen 2.paper ..

Answer / rajendra

For writing test cases on any object we need specifications
that are very important.Without specifications we cannot
write test cases.test case is different from test log.
Testcase will contain test case id, test description,
input, expected result columns.
Test log will contain additionally two columns like actual
result, pass/fail.
Any way I will provide some valuable information that
enable you for writing test cases On different objects
Generally asking test case objects are

Coffee machine,

Test case objects (Pen, Mobile, Bottle, and Calculator) are
general in nature.
In general when we writing a test case for objects like
above we should consider the objects parameters like
· Look and feel
· Performance
· Usability
· Rigidity
Look and feel means external appearance like outer case
must be attractive.
Look and feel parameters are ,
Material used for making it ,?.etc
If you come for performance the important parameters
are ,
Continuous perfromence..etc.
How easy to use that thin
How strong it is
How it is working in abnormal conditions

For example if you want to write test cases for a pen
Then first start with look and feel.

If you com for software enabled objects
Yahoo login,
For above objects we should check
Different menu options are working properly
Functionality of buttons,
Memory capacities,
Look and feel,
Speed of operation?etc

Anyway remind always to check common features of the object.
?Test case writing is an art of common sense?

Byeeeeee friendz
Ring me at :9885162742

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How to write testcases for a general objects like 1.pen 2.paper ..

Answer / surbhi

like for pen test cases will include low level test cases
and high level test cases for every compnent of pen that
includes cap,riffle and pipe.
low level test cases will include verifiaction of
High level test case will include Test id,requirement,
steps to proceed,input,expected result and actual result.
High level test cases will also be made with the help of
decision table

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