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HCL Core Java Interview Questions
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In Serialization, whether you will use Static variables?

3 9132

what is difference Between Core Java and advance java

60 167533

what is difference between class and object?

43 84822

explain oops concepts with examples?

29 200114

who was the founder of java

32 50852

how you will prevent method overriding?

6 13496

whats is inheritance?

15 16880

whays is mean by inner class?

4 7530

class A{ class B{ } } in which name u save the file,its the program compile?

6 8178

class A { class B { psvm(String args[]) { } } } if the prg saved in whats the o/p?

7 11957

wahts is mean by thread?

22 26717

whats the diff between jsp and servlets?

9 12101

What is Vector?Can you elaborate how Vector is Thread safe?

3 11106

how to handle exceptions in ejb?

1 3475

what is difference betweem home interface and remote interface?


Post New HCL Core Java Interview Questions

HCL Core Java Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

what is the meaning of constant FILE EXCEEDS LENGTH LIMIT while loading from ps file to vsam in the jcl?


how many processes can I run with single licence?


Explain the exactly meaning of test case?


Write a shell program where you enter a number which corresponds to K.M. Find out the corresponding values in m, cm, inches, and feet. Hints:- 1 k.m= 1000 m 1 m= 100 cm 1 inches= 2.54 cm. 1 feet= 12 inches


How do I delete windows temp files?


What is the benefit of my client center (mcc)?


What is the difference between mysql_fetch_array() and mysql_fetch_assoc()?


Explain workflow actions?


What is state transition?


How do you create a project in uipath?


If concern supply garments from outside purchase to movie producer for their production then is it maintain Service Tax if yes then how and at first what steps I have to take?


How many threads can I run java?


i want a program using by if, evaluate , string, unstring, perform, occurs?


What are different categories of sql commands?


How does session work?