This abstract class is correct ? abstract class A { public abstract void Disp(); public abstract void B() { } public absract virtual C() { } }
732These static constructors are correct ? class A { statc intA() { } static A(int x,int y) { } static A(int x) { } }
781Post New HCL Core Java Interview Questions
Define partial class?
Why Hadoop performs replication, although it results in data redundancy?
Explain how you can transfer volume from one owner to another in openstack?
What does the parsefloat function do?
Define what are ceramics?
Mention how to access array data?
Can you define dimension?
How the Bursting happens in same report and how to Print the bursting Report?
What are the different types of listeners?
How many tickets you have solved till date? can you please elaborate it with solutions?
Discuss the impact of AI on art and content creation.
Which database is best for node js?
What do you understand by gift card?
Explain is it possible to search for files using wildcards?
What happens to child record when a parent record is deleted?