What is the difference between panel and frame ?

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What is the difference between panel and frame ?..

Answer / sathya

Frame : A resizable, movable window with title bar and
close button. Usually it contains Panels.
It is Derived From Window. Default layout is BorderLayout.

Panel : A region internal to a Frame or another Panel. Used
for grouping components together. Not bounded by a visible
border. You can change background colour of a panel to
delimit it though. Lives inside some enclosing Container.
It is Derived From Container. Default layout is FlowLayout.

Is This Answer Correct ?    217 Yes 23 No

What is the difference between panel and frame ?..

Answer / arvind chandel

one basic diffrence between both is that--
frame-is a top level container..
while the panel is sub-level container..not the top level

Is This Answer Correct ?    104 Yes 24 No

What is the difference between panel and frame ?..

Answer / rajesh dangi

A Frame is an independent object which can exist on its
own. It can contain one or more Panel object within it.
Whereas a Panel can not exist on its own. It need a parent
object like Frame/Window to be displayed/existance.

Most of the characteristics are similar in them since their
super parent is Component & Container classes. The major
difference is that Frame can exist on its own but Panel can

Is This Answer Correct ?    46 Yes 26 No

What is the difference between panel and frame ?..

Answer / mahmood shah wardak

Fram is an independent object which Derived From a Window
(or a blank window which has only title bar and three
buttons close,minimize and maximize)
But panel is a continar consisting of alot of controls or
panel is a cover which must be added to frame

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 8 No

What is the difference between panel and frame ?..

Answer / pavithrajagadeesh

panel it is an invisible by changing the clour itz is visible.
frame it is an outer layer it can be resizeable .

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What is the difference between panel and frame ?..

Answer / vishal

A Frame is the outer Cover empty inside, used to display
images, to cover laminated things, or to cover anything
according to the size and shape of the object inside....e.g:
A photo frame, A steel frame covering the Notice Board
hanging on a wall..etc.

Whereas the Panel is the Cover and it may be use to cover
the entire object, It is not empty inside...we can't see any
image from a panel when it is placed upon the particular
object....can be in round, rectangular, triangular or in any
shape matching to the object to cover it properly.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 19 No

What is the difference between panel and frame ?..

Answer / mekala

Frame:big place which have panels
Panel:container inside of big place

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 34 No

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