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HCL Core Java Interview Questions
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Differentiate between postfix and prefix operators in java.


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HCL Core Java Interview Questions

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What is the use of %rowtype?


How Big Data can help increase the revenue of the businesses?


In one room in your game, there's an elevator that AIs will need to use to escape from the player. In order to use the elevator, they have to walk over to a special button on the wall, press it to summon the elevator, then walk into the elevator and press another button to tell it to ascend. How would you design a system to make sure AIs can do all of these things in the proper order? If you have 3 AIs in the room, how would you design the system to make sure they can all escape in the elevator at the same time? What happens if one of them dies while they're trying to do this, and how do you make sure the other AIs don't get stuck waiting for that dead AI?


Explain do view contain data?


What is level prompt?


Where is the catting plane line located when a section view is in dicated?


How is ms word useful in business?


What does it mean to flush a file?


What are the 5 basic components of linux?


How can we send the flat file data to different targets(which are also flat files) based on the name of flat file with out adding extra columns?


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What are the advantages of logical databases?


What is emphasized text in html?


How can you create jdbc statements?


Biologists usually refer to the head of a tapeworm by what name?