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HCL Interview Questions
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what is inventory and how can manage the inventory. what is ledger and what difference in inventory and ledger.

4 15268

How can we register the variables into a Session?

7 30952

What is register_globals in php?

6 25423

What do you mean by High Level and Low Level Scenarios explain using an Example ?

2 24828

What is the difference between microprocessor and microcontroller?

64 192211

Difference between static and dynamic RAM?

23 102371

What is virtual memory?

4 8467

What are the fields in pricing procedure?

13 51816

What is equity?

24 88180

Suppose " You are given a build with 5 modules to test as per the Customer request after finalization of SRS, But the SRS contains only documentation about 4 modules. On what basis you will continue the testing of 5th module." ?

15 28122

Can you have a constructor in abstract class?

18 51241

Howmany address lines are required to addressing 1 MB memory?

8 28569

What is interface and its use?

8 14952

What is the GregorianCalendar class?

2 5352

What is the difference between panel and frame ?

7 74430

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HCL Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is difference between identifier and variable?


What is the difference between instant and deferred expressions?


What do you know about near, far and huge pointer?


What is .net mobile input validation. : Microsoft dot net mobile


What do you mean by internal server error?


what is a service definition file?


Is .bmp format supported?


What is the xhtml?


Why six unit used for precision?


How do I repair phpmyadmin?


Why should you use delegate?


List out two different types of errors in c#?


Explain the importance of bayes theorem?


For what purposes have you used sas macros? : sas-macro


compare the conditional operator with if-else-if statement.