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HCL Interview Questions
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what is the function of .h in #include in c ?

23 35993

Actually I want to apply in Internatinal call centers but could'nt able to get through so please could you teel me How to give an Introduction in a professional manner???

4 8507

Tell something about yourself?

15 26707

what is the diff between webserver app & client server application...

2 7872

What is the difference between Two Tier and Three Tier Architecture?

12 38325

what is the use of getch() function in C program.. difference b/w getch() and getche()??

29 84730

what is the difference between SDI and MDI

15 99981

when my application exe is running nad i don't want to create another exe what should i do

2 5390

what is the use of mutable key word

3 9115

tell me something about color pink....

9 32569

placement paper of hpcl

29 35672

what is meant by adhoc testing?

9 14231

why do you want to join bpo

134 834126

why do u want to join this company

6 23235

(1/10)18 - (1/10)20 = ?

14 54038

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HCL Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Define the term 'users' in openstack.


how to customize your slide powerpoint 2013?


How do you check or uncheck a checkbox input or radio button?


What is the significance of placenta?


What is the full meaning of


How many types of km's?


what is config file in wordpress?


i want interview question on siebel testing.very urgent


presently am using vista ......i want 2 format vista and i want 2 freshly install xp but but the system is not yet formatting it is formatting with vista but not with xp.....though i used many xp cds. same pblm....... it is displaying the following error a plm has been dected and windows has been shut down to prevent this damage tecnical information: stop(0*0000007b (0*f7802524,0*c0000034,0*00000


Are you familiar with lean manufacturing principles and Six Sigma methodologies? How have you applied these concepts to enhance production efficiency?


what is journal entries for Vehicle loan settled with bank after Sale of the vehicle on profit or loss in case the party paid check direct to Bank .......???


Explain app's state transitions when it gets launched?


How do you write a copyright symbol on a web browser page?


What is the difference between imperative and interrogative code?


Which was intel's first microprocessor