What is virtual memory?

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What is virtual memory?..

Answer / athavulla syed

In our systems memory is limited but executable programs are
infinite, so at compile time only compiler generates virtual
addresses for all executables.

While executing, memory management unit come into picture
and translates virtual addresses to physical address.

Virtual address may be same for two processes but physical
memory is unique.

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What is virtual memory?..

Answer / pravin

when program doesn't fit in main memory then then program is segmented and the part of program which is in currently use is kept in main memory and the remaining part of program,which is not in use is stored in secondary storage. when the executing program needs the part of program which is not in main memory then it copies that part from sec memory and replaces some program from main memory.Thus the technique which swaps the program between main memory and secondray storage is called virtual memory.

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What is virtual memory?..

Answer / v.vijayakumar

Virtual memory is hardware technique where the system
appears to have more memory that it actually does. This is
done by time-sharing, the physical memory and storage parts
of the memory one disk when they are not actively being

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What is virtual memory?..

Answer / k.k.tripathi

Virtual Memory is space on harddisk where processes which
are not frequently used in RAM are being transfered so as
to increase the speed.If the required process is in virtual
memory it will be swapped to main memory and executed.As
Large is virtual memory so fast the system will be.

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