Suppose " You are given a build with 5 modules to test as
per the Customer request after finalization of SRS, But the
SRS contains only documentation about 4 modules. On what
basis you will continue the testing of 5th module." ?

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Suppose " You are given a build with 5 modules to test as per the Customer request after fin..

Answer / ravindhar

SRS is prepared based on requirements. Even SRS is not
there and have requirements, we analyze the requirements
first, Take the inputs from domain experts,end users.
Consolidate and prepare the SRS on our own and will send
the same for customer approval. based on feed back we can
go with testing.

Is This Answer Correct ?    25 Yes 0 No

Suppose " You are given a build with 5 modules to test as per the Customer request after fin..

Answer / uday

I think we do Adhoc Testing. Upto 4 modules we first check
the functionality. After that we do the Adhoc on the 5th
Generally we do Adhoc Testing, when there is no clear
specifications or when the time is less.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 3 No

Suppose " You are given a build with 5 modules to test as per the Customer request after fin..

Answer / murthy

We need to clarify this with our client. If they asked us
to do testing for all 5 modules, then we need to get the
updated version of SRS. Once it get finalized we start

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

Suppose " You are given a build with 5 modules to test as per the Customer request after fin..

Answer / phani

Along with the Build release to the Testing team
Devolopment people releases Build release document, by
studing the release document we are going to conduct
testing on 5 th module.

If i am wrong correct me.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

Suppose " You are given a build with 5 modules to test as per the Customer request after fin..

Answer / satya_k21

Hi ,

We will go for Exploratory testing for 5th build.


Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Suppose " You are given a build with 5 modules to test as per the Customer request after fin..

Answer / sandeep

as per the document tester is prepared test cases for 4
module there is not point in testing 5th module with
preparing test case. so first finish 4 modules then try to
get at least some basic functionality of that module and you
can perform exploratory testing (which is more systematic
way than ad-hoc testing).

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Suppose " You are given a build with 5 modules to test as per the Customer request after fin..

Answer / zahid

If the srs is ready and client told to test all 5 modules
then we have to go for the exploratory testing for the 5th
module. and other module as per the srs.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Suppose " You are given a build with 5 modules to test as per the Customer request after fin..

Answer / prabu

Exploratory method of testing will applied on this case.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Suppose " You are given a build with 5 modules to test as per the Customer request after fin..

Answer / cherry

By gathering information According to that Build we can test
the 5th module

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Suppose " You are given a build with 5 modules to test as per the Customer request after fin..

Answer / kumar reddy

we go for Exploratory Testing and we can test the 5th model.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

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