What is type and rowtype in pl sql?
Explain about the execution pl of a pig script?
differentiate between the logical and physical plan of an apache pig script?
List the tools are available to import/export data from a crm system?
can any send me a forbes marshall dtron 316 manual
How we can enable maintenance mode in magento?
How can I make calculation to Install level transmitter (DP) for open tank and close tank
How to declare a Kotlin variable?
In a mosfet, what does the pinch off voltage refers to?
Why arraylist is not efficient for manipulation?
Can I use openjdk for commercial?
What is the time taken to reach a rain drop on to the earth surface, and what is the distance or height from rain drop start to fall to the earth surface?
Write the different types of matrices in microstrategy?
what are rules to follow in WordPress plugin development?
if we want to perform some operation at receiving application when it receives some message, then what objects are required at the receiving application?
Differentiate between ‘/’ and ‘//’.