What is the relation between # and include<stdio.h>

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What is the relation between # and include<stdio.h>..

Answer / gita

include<stdio.h> means we include standard input and output
functions code we does not write any thing about library
functions .h means header file if we include tis header
file then we place # before the include<stdio.h> this is c

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What is the relation between # and include<stdio.h>..

Answer / priyanka

actually, in C, every keyword has some specific value some
specific meaning and those meanings of keywords are already
been stored in header files like
<stdio.h>,<conio.h>,<math.h> etc.... so to make computer
understood the meaning of printf, scanf like keywords, we
have to use header files in begining of the prog... and #
is a preprocessor.... this tells computer that now u be
ready to write a prog...
this is wat i think.... though i dnt hav technical
knowledge still i tried to xplain.....

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What is the relation between # and include<stdio.h>..

Answer / pandya umesh c

it is library file access,which contains information that
must be included in the program when it is compiled.

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What is the relation between # and include<stdio.h>..

Answer / jafar ali

when ever we include 'stdio.h' or any other header file
and use its features and functions using keyword 'include',
their codes are inserted in our source-code before
when we use function printf() from stdio.h its code is
inserted in our code. This is done by c preprocessors and
is done before compiling the code.
And here '#' plays a vital part. # indicates that this
lines are to be considered by the preprocessor and it acts

i hope i have answered the question. i am new to c and
if any one want to add to this they are welcome.

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What is the relation between # and include<stdio.h>..

Answer / anjali

# indicates the directive preprocessor which allows the
program to run.
While include<stdio.h> is the standard library function
that allows you to enter the input and receive the output.
i.e. printf() and scanf().

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