COBOL Snippet: Tell where the control will when the below
code execute

IF (A=B)

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COBOL Snippet: Tell where the control will when the below code execute IF (A=B) CONTINUE E..

Answer / lu

First of all, when you code , you have to know what do you
want to do....
Perform after next sentence doesn't make sense never

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COBOL Snippet: Tell where the control will when the below code execute IF (A=B) CONTINUE E..

Answer / manj

CONTINUE inside IF loop searches for the first terminator
END-IF and comes out.

NEXT SENTENCE searches for the first FULL STOP and goes to
the next line after that.

The above code does nothing. IF A=B, control comes to the
next line after END-IF and same for ELSE part too.

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COBOL Snippet: Tell where the control will when the below code execute IF (A=B) CONTINUE E..

Answer / hitesh karnani

First of all, when you code , you have to know what do you
want to do....
Perform after next sentence doesn't make sense never

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COBOL Snippet: Tell where the control will when the below code execute IF (A=B) CONTINUE E..

Answer / meg

Lu is very correct no body code like

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COBOL Snippet: Tell where the control will when the below code execute IF (A=B) CONTINUE E..

Answer / chandrababu naidu

if both values A and B values are equal, then control go to
'perform' statement, if both values A and B values are not
equal then control come out of if condition.

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COBOL Snippet: Tell where the control will when the below code execute IF (A=B) CONTINUE E..

Answer / venkat

First of all u have to know the standards and basic things.
If u don't just leave. Other one can answer for this ques.

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COBOL Snippet: Tell where the control will when the below code execute IF (A=B) CONTINUE E..

Answer / niveditha

This code looks funny.but still some times it is useful. If
A=B the control will be start immediately from after end-if.
If A not = B then perform loop will executes. there is no
meaning of next sentence

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