how we rectify soc4 and soc7 error in project(need real time
answer)? please reply

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how we rectify soc4 and soc7 error in project(need real time answer)? please reply..

Answer / ramana

go to sysdump there you can find the 8bytes offset
address,,copy that offset,,,go to the expanded version of
your program,,paste the offset adress there,,,
then it will show the exact line where the abend occurs,,

correct me if iam wrong

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how we rectify soc4 and soc7 error in project(need real time answer)? please reply..

Answer / ray davis

SOC4 is a boundary violation (trying to access memory not
allocated to your program. SOC7 is trying use a numeric
field which isn't numeric. Then you do as the previous
post describes and dig though the dump to find out what and
where the problem is.

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how we rectify soc4 and soc7 error in project(need real time answer)? please reply..

Answer / charanya

Either we can try to find using the offset value as the
previous poster suggested and the other way is we can use
DISPLAY in programs to rectify the Soc7 error.

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