what do you mean by copybook? and what is the difference
between the copybook which we are using in working storage
and procedure division.
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Answer / michealraj. g
There are two types of copybooks: 1. Working storage
copybook 2. Procedure division copybook
1. Working Storage copybook: It contains the input or
output fields names with the field definitions like type or
length of the fields. Instead of defining so many variables
in the WS section, we can have it in a separate file like
thing. It is also useful in mapping the I/P or O/P records
with the specific fields.
2. Procedure Division copybook: It contains set of COBOL
statements in order to execute it at a particular time. It
acts as a sub-program.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 21 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / jeena.mj
A common piece of {source code} designed to be copied into
many source programs, used mainly in mainframe programming.
working storage copybooks contains only records which we
are using in more then one program.
procedure division copybooks contains cobol logic
mostly we use working storage copybooks.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 13 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / shan
Copy books are nothing but COBOL code which can be used in
multiple programs are written in a separate member.
By using COPY <COPY BOOK NAME> statement(COPY is a compiler
directive command), The piece of code in the copy book will
get expanded during compilation.
Mostly copy books are used to define file structures, any
variables structures,which can be defined in multiple
programs, also for some common paragraphs(Ex: Abend
paragraphs). This does not mean this is the only usage.
Even file section, for select clause also we can write a
copy books.
Any part of your COBOL program can be written into to a
separate copy book and using copy command it can be
expanded. There is no classification as working storage copy
book or procedure division copy book, If any one stands by
this classification, please let me know any books or
materials you have referred, i will also get updated.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 11 Yes | 2 No |
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