int a = 10 + 10 .... ,... A = A * A What would be the value of A? The answer is 120!! Could anyone explain this to me.
2 7140code of a program in c language that ask a number and print its decremented and incremented number.. sample output: input number : 3 321123
1 5078Post New HCL C Code Interview Questions
Does android support other languages than java?
How to use connect?
Why to use express.js?
What are reported commands?
What does side stand for?
What is period of responsibility and time logic?
What is the purpose of extern storage specifier?
What are the duties of QA/QC Coordinator
What are Private Mappings?
How will you pass values from vf page to controller?
Define composer.
How do you clear contents of excel and not lose formula?
The word target holds an important meaning in the career of a person who has opted for a sales and marketing job. What is your opinion?
We have 1 web page with names column. I am giving the Service Providers1,2,3.... @ that time dynamically some no of names are displaying in the webpage and The Pop up windows are opening(No.of Pop Up windows=No.of Names). The names may be diffar for each and every Service Provders (Dynamically) How can we handle the Dynamic values?
Why do we need thread pool?