int a = 10 + 10
A = A * A

What would be the value of A?
The answer is 120!! Could anyone explain this to me.

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int a = 10 + 10 .... ,... A = A * A What would be the value of A? The answer is 120!! Could ..

Answer / vinayak bhat

It s a macro concept,,very simple
a=a*a becomes
* has highest priority than +
hence expression becomes like

Is This Answer Correct ?    24 Yes 6 No

int a = 10 + 10 .... ,... A = A * A What would be the value of A? The answer is 120!! Could ..

Answer / nagarajanselvaraj

In C everything is case sensitive
so variable with name 'a' differs from variable
with name 'A'
The given result is not possible
because 120 is not a square number.

Is This Answer Correct ?    21 Yes 4 No

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